All Episodes

Displaying 211 - 220 of 220 in total

The Holy Spirit


Elohim; Shelah..... My Rock

Pastor Lanny continues his series on the names of God. Expounding upon the meaning and giving a better understanding of what it means and how it effect us as Christians

Power of the Tongue

Book of Matthew says “Be wise as serpents but harmless as doves”. Yet we yield our tongue according to the fresh and not of His Spirit. From the abundance of the heart...

Elohim Shama; The God That Hears

Part 2 on the “Names of God”

It Takes The Blood

10/18/2020 Only through the blood that Jesus shed can save. Pastor Lanny expounds upon the representation of Christ in the Old Testament Passover. The Blood of the La...

Be Separate from the World

10/04/2020 The church in American today no longer shines bright. We have mingled with the ways of this world and have deceived ourselves. We as christians are suppose...

Elohim... Mighty Creator

10/01/20 This is the first teaching on ""The Names of God". God names defines his character all through out the Bible.  Pastor Lanny expounds on the name "Elohim" in ...

Law or Grace?


One Way

9/24/20  Jesus is the One and Only way to the Father. If any man enter in any other way, he is the same as a thief.

Who’s god is God

We would like to welcome all our listeners to this brand new podcast from the back woods of Coteau Holmes.

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